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The first installment of The Real Housewives franchise premiered on Bravo in March 2006. From the start, The Real Housewives of Orange County was explicitly about wealth and its absurdities, reflecting not only how these rich women chose to look (injected, puffed up, implanted, stretched, pulled, dyed), and what cars and houses they bought (though there was plenty of McMansion gawking) but how money affected their friendships and romantic relationships. In the show first season, the whole cast lived within Coto except for Lauri, a divorced mother of three whose life seemed impossibly hard. Cheap Jerseys free shipping That being said, it's really tough to mess it up and make it so that the toilet is phantom flushing. The blame is really on the product. It was new, and it was faulty." Miner says installation should always be taken care of by a professional, although newer automatic models are a lot more user friendly.. Cheap Jerseys free shipping wholesale jerseys from china ...